“Navega por Internet de la forma más cómoda”
Maxthon es un navegador web que usa y mejora el motor de Internet Explorer añadiendo una infinidad de novedades.
Maxthon posee infinidad de detalles, que a su vez esconden aún más funciones, todas y cada una de ellas pensadas únicamente para facilitarnos la vida mientras navegamos.
Verás que, por ejemplo, incluye pestañas para abrir nuevas ventanas dentro de una misma instancia, ocupando así una única ventana en nuestra -ahora- despejada barra de herramientas.
Un denominador común de todas las opciones incluidas es que, sin apenas ocupar tamaño, son visibles y muy prácticas. Un buen ejemplo de esto son las cinco opciones de la barra inferior, ofrecen: navegar offline, filtrado automático de pop-up, activar nueva ventana, abrir nueva pestaña al pulsar cualquier enlace y una práctica caja de texto en la que puedes guardar tus anotaciones. Todo eso sin ocupar apenas espacio.
¿Quieres más ventajas? ¿Qué te parece poder abrir una nueva pestaña: en blanco, tu página de inicio, con la dirección que tengas copiada en el portapapeles o una nueva instancia de la página actual, en apenas dos clics?
¿Has cerrado una página sin querer? No pasa nada, posee opción de undo con la que podrás ver las páginas que has cerrado y abrirla de nuevo sin necesidad de buscarla nuevamente o mirar en el historial.
Otra de sus ventajas es que consume menos recursos que Internet Explorer y dispone de herramientas específicas que te muestran la velocidad del módem, la IP local, el porcentaje de memoria disponible, etc.
En definitiva, una utilidad que mejora Internet Explorer con la que tendrás multitud de ventajas sin cambiar de navegador. - Softonic
Requisitos: | Windows (Todas las versiones) |
Idiomas: | Múltiples idiomas |
# New Feature:
* Reader Mode
- Left and Right arrow keys for page turning, Up and Down keys for scrolling.
# Close:
* Sync
- Closed the Options and Quick Access syncing feature temporarily for browser’s stability. Would add back after improving.
# Improvements:
* MaxSnap
- Added white background for the bubbles.
- Enabled to drag the text box.
- Changed magnifier coordinate to screenshot size.
* Reader Mode
- Optimized the analysis of Super Next Page.
- Added friendly tips if “next page” was not suitable for Reader Mode.
- Enabled to remember user setting.
# Fixes:
* Main Frame
- Interface display error with high-resolution display.
- A display problem caused by tool tips.
- The dialog box could not appear immediately when clicked “Clear Browser History” in Avatar Menu.
- Sometimes Tab List moved below the close button when maximize the browser window in Windows XP.
- User Panel disappeared sometimes.
* Webkit
- Improved the payment progress of 360buy.com.
- Failed to “Save as…” successfully for some pages.
- Fixed lots of crash problems.
- Optimized some page compatibility problems.
- Switching proxy problem.
* Favorites
- Problems of modifying items of “More Favorites” in Favorites Bar.
- Fixed a focus problem.
- The tooltip information was always there with the secondary menu of Favorites Bar displaying.
* Quick Access
- It still displayed the old account thumbnails after switching the account.
* Online Notepad
- Fixed a crash problem caused by dragging links.
* MaxSnap
- Confliction between double clicking for copying screenshot to the clipboard and Youdao Dictionary.
* Reader Mode
- Some websites could not load the next page automatically.
- “The Next Page” of some websites displayed some irrelevant content.
- Some websites should not be recognized as for Reader Mode.
- Some pages for Reader Mode displayed blank.
- Failed to exit Reader Mode for the reason of no hiding the drop-down list box.
* Smart Address Bar
- The cursor in the address bar was blocked sometimes.
* Source Sniffer
- Fixed a display problem.
* Reader Mode
- Left and Right arrow keys for page turning, Up and Down keys for scrolling.
# Close:
* Sync
- Closed the Options and Quick Access syncing feature temporarily for browser’s stability. Would add back after improving.
# Improvements:
* MaxSnap
- Added white background for the bubbles.
- Enabled to drag the text box.
- Changed magnifier coordinate to screenshot size.
* Reader Mode
- Optimized the analysis of Super Next Page.
- Added friendly tips if “next page” was not suitable for Reader Mode.
- Enabled to remember user setting.
# Fixes:
* Main Frame
- Interface display error with high-resolution display.
- A display problem caused by tool tips.
- The dialog box could not appear immediately when clicked “Clear Browser History” in Avatar Menu.
- Sometimes Tab List moved below the close button when maximize the browser window in Windows XP.
- User Panel disappeared sometimes.
* Webkit
- Improved the payment progress of 360buy.com.
- Failed to “Save as…” successfully for some pages.
- Fixed lots of crash problems.
- Optimized some page compatibility problems.
- Switching proxy problem.
* Favorites
- Problems of modifying items of “More Favorites” in Favorites Bar.
- Fixed a focus problem.
- The tooltip information was always there with the secondary menu of Favorites Bar displaying.
* Quick Access
- It still displayed the old account thumbnails after switching the account.
* Online Notepad
- Fixed a crash problem caused by dragging links.
* MaxSnap
- Confliction between double clicking for copying screenshot to the clipboard and Youdao Dictionary.
* Reader Mode
- Some websites could not load the next page automatically.
- “The Next Page” of some websites displayed some irrelevant content.
- Some websites should not be recognized as for Reader Mode.
- Some pages for Reader Mode displayed blank.
- Failed to exit Reader Mode for the reason of no hiding the drop-down list box.
* Smart Address Bar
- The cursor in the address bar was blocked sometimes.
* Source Sniffer
- Fixed a display problem.
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